Relationship Counseling Center of Austin

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7 Ways A Healthy Relationship with Yourself Makes Life Better

The relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship you’ll ever have in your life. It sets the standard for all others. Even so, it’s often the most overlooked relationship.

Having a healthy relationship with yourself can make your life better in a multitude of ways. The greatest thing about establishing this relationship is that it’s all up to you!

If you’re curious about the value of this unique relationship, here are seven benefits just for starters.

1. Establishes Your Core Values

We all have things in life that we value more than anything else. For some, continual learning is important while others place more value on building financial wealth.

Everyone is different. Yet, when you make the effort to get to know yourself, your life makes a shift to align with your core values. As a result, you find more fulfillment and joy in life altogether.

2. You Feel Empowered

Having a healthy relationship with yourself is a lot like learning a new hobby in that it naturally builds your confidence.

Like learning a new language, getting to know yourself can be confusing and downright challenging at times. Still, you continue to practice, and every day you understand just a little bit more.

When your persistence pays off and you realize how “fluent” you have become with yourself, it can feel incredibly empowering, boosting your confidence miles high.

3. Positive Affirmations Boost Self-Esteem

No longer will you think to yourself, “I’m not good enough.”

Having a healthy relationship with yourself means getting to know yourself, respecting and loving the person you are. As a result, the self-doubt inside will begin to feel more like a squeaky mouse in the corner rather than a roaring lion in your face.

Many people start building this healthy relationship by repeating positive affirmations in the mirror. Sound silly? Keep in mind that your body hears and remembers what you say to it. The emotional energy you release matters.

4. It’s Easy to Be Grateful

When you have a better relationship with yourself, you naturally evolve into a more mindful person. You notice more and can tap into more gratitude.

For example, you might have the confidence that you can overcome an obstacle such as the car breaking down. When you do successfully get through the situation, you tend to be more aware of, and grateful for, having a functioning vehicle.

It sounds simple but those in an unhealthy relationship with themselves often overlook the lemonade in life’s lemons.

5. Mental Struggles Decrease

Having a healthy relationship with yourself leaves less room for mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression.

In fact, when anxiety creeps up or depression attempts to take hold, you are able to recognize it. Furthermore, you are more likely to know what to do to safeguard yourself from mental health concerns. Your regard for yourself and your own needs affords you the ability to seek out time and space to recover should you experience a rotten period in your life or relationships.

6. You Prioritize Self-Care

As you may have guessed, having a healthy relationship with yourself involves taking care of yourself. This means you have the knowledge to develop a customized self-care regime that ensures that you feel your best and live your best life.

Consequently, you’re happier, healthier, and not as likely to fall for the “selfish trap,” thinking that self-care is self-indulgent. Knowing exactly what your mind, body, and spirit needs, you confidently provide yourself with adequate self-preserving activity and solitude.

7. Encourages Meaningful Relationships

As mentioned before, the relationship you have with yourself sets the standard for all others.

With that said, having a healthy relationship with yourself encourages other meaningful relationships in all areas of your life.

There’s a unique personal depth you tap into when you establish a healthy relationship with yourself. This authentically reverberates throughout your entire life, drawing people to you and allowing you to better perceive which relationships are best for you.

Developing a healthy relationship with yourself clearly has its benefits. It is important to be aware that developing it can also uncover present hurts or past wounds. If you need help managing these difficult topics, talk to trusted friends, family, or a mental health counselor.

The counselors at the Relationship Counseling Center of Austin can help individuals to develop a stronger sense of self and find personal empowerment in their lives, which carries over to help strengthen their personal relationships. To schedule an appointment, call 512-270-4883, or request an appointment online through the RCC Austin Scheduling page.