7 Meaningful New Year's Resolutions to Improve Your Health and Happiness — Relationship Counseling Center of Austin

7 Meaningful New Year's Resolutions to Improve Your Health and Happiness

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We’re all familiar with the most common New Year’s resolutions. Losing weight, getting in shape, and earning or saving more money all top the list.

And these are reasonable goals to have. After all, it’s essential to maintain and improve our health and be financially responsible. These are broad categories that touch on our overall well-being, including happiness.

Often, taking small steps is the best way to start making changes in your life. Try to bite off too much, and you can quickly become discouraged or overwhelmed. When you start with one or two small steps, you may find yourself empowered to make more changes.

Here are some simple resolutions to help you start the new year.

1. Try Something New

Maintaining your curiosity about the world keeps your brain stimulated. When you learn or try something new, you’re building new neural pathways. By stepping away from your routine responsibilities, you’re allowing yourself to play.

Studies show that play is essential at all ages. It helps build adaptability and self-knowledge. Trying something new is often fun and brings smiles into your life.

2. Connect with Loved Ones

Weight, physical fitness, career success, or bank accounts don’t mean much on their own without being grounded in a more profound meaning. Whether you’re married or not, a parent or not, building and maintaining close relationships is vital to both physical and mental health. When you show others you care about them, both of you receive benefits.

3. Laugh More

Don’t forget the importance of humor and laughter. Stressful news coverage, busy schedules, countless responsibilities, and more can suck the levity from your day.

However, laughter has been shown to help reduce stress, lift mood, and even boost the immune system. Find lighthearted videos to watch or keep a book of your favorite comic strips on hand.

4. Disconnect

Make space for a little bit of quiet in your day. Power off electronics and background noise. Slow down enough to notice your breathing and the sensations around you. Take time to recognize how you’re feeling and what’s causing stress or happiness. Enjoy a cup of tea while you’re at it (more on that below!).

5. Drink More Tea

Intentionally including daily tea in your schedule offers several benefits. First among them is the amazing antioxidants and beneficial compounds tea offers. Green tea tops the list, but black and white teas also contain them.

Beyond its biochemical boost, making tea each day offers a small, comforting ritual. Unique routines, even if little, provide a grounding element to the day. Take time to boil the water in an electric or stovetop kettle (rather than the microwave). Brew your tea in a beautiful mug or pot. Savor the delicate scents and colors of different varieties. Try to sit down for a few minutes to enjoy it and catch your breath.

6. Daily Walk

Whether you’re a step counter or not, taking even five minutes to walk gives you a boost of energy. By focusing on what your body is doing, you’ll also get a bit of stress relief. If it’s too cold or hot where you live, try to walk indoors or on a treadmill.

7. Increase Phytonutrients

This resolution is a fancy way of saying to eat more fruits and vegetables. You’ve heard it a thousand times. Produce is filled with compounds that are great for your body and mind.

As with every topic on this list, keep it easy and start small. Find a way to include food from several of the colors each day, even if it’s as little as a cherry tomato. Broccoli sprouts are easy to grow and offer a massive punch for their small size, as well.

Is the thought of a new year stressing you out? Do you know you need to make changes for the better but don’t know where to start? A trained therapist at the Relationship Counseling Center of Austin can help. To request an appointment online, click here, or give our office a call at (512) 270-4883 to find out more about how to make this year’s New Year’s resolutions your best yet.
