How to Meditate: 5 Beginner Keys on Learning the Practice — Relationship Counseling Center of Austin

How to Meditate: 5 Beginner Keys on Learning the Practice

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In today’s fast-paced society, it seems like we’re all trying to find a way to slow down and enjoy each moment. It can be challenging at times to carve out time for ourselves.

Plus, it’s hard to take a minute or two to notice what’s going on around us and enjoy our surroundings. Many people find that meditation is the key to being present in their daily lives.

At first, meditating can seem a bit boring. But if you stay committed to the practice, you will gradually notice the myriad of benefits. You might find yourself feeling more relaxed in tense situations, sleeping better, and experiencing less stress in general.

Here are a few key tips for anyone who wants to begin a meditation practice.

1. Start Small

Some people assume that unless you’re meditating for an hour or so each day, you won’t see any benefits from the practice. However, you don’t have to sit in the lotus position for a solid sixty minutes to reap the benefits of meditation.

If you’re just starting, you can begin by dedicating yourself to only five minutes of meditation once or twice per day. This approach will help you adjust to the habit and learn the basics.

2. Stick to a Schedule

If you know that you want to meditate at a specific time each day, and you make it a point to include it in your schedule, you’ll have a much easier time sticking with this habit for the long-term.

You may find that meditating and clearing your mind is easier when you’re already feeling relaxed. For example, you might want to try meditating shortly after you get out of bed in the morning, before you must focus on your to-do list for the day. Or, meditate before you go to bed at night, when you’re winding down and feeling tired.

3. Choose a Comfortable Spot

If you’re distracted by aches and pains in your back, neck, or shoulders while meditating, you’re going to find it more difficult to observe your thoughts and let them go.

Choose a comfortable, quiet place to meditate. Feel free to grab extra cushions and blankets to make it even cozier. And if you find that the classic lotus pose is so uncomfortable for you that it makes it impossible to clear your mind? That’s okay!

If you want to sit in your favorite chair or lie down while meditating, you can try that instead. You don’t have to follow strict rules to meditate. 

4. Try Background Noise

You don’t have to sit in complete silence while meditating. Some people find that having white noise in the background helps them meditate. You might also enjoy listening to soothing, instrumental music while you meditate.

And if you have trouble letting your thoughts go, you could also try listening to a guided meditation track. A meditation teacher will help you navigate the practice. Hearing their soothing voice could be just what you need to really “get” meditation.

5. Keep a Journal

Want to reflect on your meditation sessions and your progress? Try keeping a meditation journal.

Take a little time each day to write about how you feel. As you continue to meditate, you can look back and see just how far you’ve come and how much you’ve learned about yourself through meditation.

You will have a record of every session to read over as you move forward.

Meditation is an incredibly powerful practice. If you’re struggling with your mood, or simply want to be intentional about slowing down for a time and be more present in your daily life, a meditation practice may be just the thing that helps ground and center you.

To learn more about how mindfulness and meditation can help you manage your emotions and bring peace, calm, and personal insights to your life, contact the Relationship Counseling Center of Austin. Call (512) 270-4883, or request an appointment online at the RCC Austin Scheduling page.
