How to Set Goals When You Already Feel Stuck — Relationship Counseling Center of Austin

How to Set Goals When You Already Feel Stuck

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Have you ever felt you have some great goals — but you’re no closer to achieving them than when you started?

Perhaps you’ve lost the momentum that you felt when you first developed them. Now you feel stuck and don’t know where to begin.

What happened?

We all have had this happen when creating goals for ourselves. It’s not that the goal isn’t excellent. However, it could be that the goal isn’t the best one for meeting your needs.

Still, you shouldn’t give up on setting and achieving goals altogether. Although, your strategy might need adjusting.

Reflect, Don’t Ruminate

First, take some time to reflect on why you already feel stuck regarding your goal and why you can’t move forward to achieve it. There could be several reasons why, such as:

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  • The goal was too broad or vague.

  • You weren’t motivated to achieve it in the first place.

  • The plan requires resources you don’t have.

  • Your attention drifted away to other, more pressing issues.

When reflecting, allow yourself a space free from distractions, permitting your mind to focus. However, avoid ruminating over why you haven’t met your goal.

Rumination is when you keep thinking over and over how much you failed to achieve any success. The truth is that you haven’t “failed” at all. Instead, you have determined that what you were doing wasn’t working. That information can help put you on the path of success!

Rework Your Goal Using the SMART Formula

Next, take your goal and rework it using the SMART goal format, which is:

  • Specific

  • Measurable

  • Attainable

  • Realistic

  • Timely

Perhaps, one reason why you are stuck is that your initial goal didn’t meet this formula for success.

For example, let’s say that you had a goal to read more books this year. That’s a great idea! But that alone is very vague. Instead, you could say, “I want to read at least one book a month for the next twelve months.”

Notice the difference? The goal is much more specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely than the first goal.

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Ask for Accountability

Another reason why you stalled right out of the gate with your goal is a lack of accountability. Accountability will help you get started and stay on track.

For instance, using the example above, you can build accountability into your goal by asking for help. You could schedule a time once a week with a family member or a friend reading the same book. That way you can discuss the book together.

Plus, it also gives you the external motivation to read the material. Book clubs can serve a similar purpose. However, if they are too large, it’s easy to hide in the background and not participate.

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Watch Out for Overwhelm

There may be another factor keeping you stuck with your goal; it’s overwhelming you! Goals should be challenging and push us to stretch our comfort zones. After all, that’s how we grow and expand our horizons.

But what if, after readjusting your goals to the SMART format and factoring in accountability, you still feel overwhelmed? It might be deeper issues are going on than you initially realized. That’s okay!

It means you have new information that you didn’t have before. Setting goals often requires refining the process to achieve the desired result. By making some adjustments and asking for support from family and friends, or a counselor, you can reach your goals. 

A therapist can not only address the overwhelming feelings and anxiety you are experiencing. They can also help you to achieve your goals too. If you’re ready to take a new approach to setting and reaching your goals, please contact the Relationship Counseling Center of Austin by calling (512) 270-4883, or request an appointment online at the RCC Austin Scheduling page. We’re here to help.
