Mastering Social Media: Benefits, Downsides, & How to Find Balance — Relationship Counseling Center of Austin

Mastering Social Media: Benefits, Downsides, & How to Find Balance

Over the past few years, social media has revolutionized the way we communicate. In the past, we had limited means of staying in touch: phone calls, letters, in-person communication, emails, and text messages. Now, with the number of social media platforms available, we’re able to communicate with people around the world.

Of course, there are pros and cons to social media. Are you interested in social media but find yourself overwhelmed by the many different platforms? Do you have reservations about using social media? Let’s explore the benefits and downsides of social media, and ways in which you can use it and can strike a healthy balance.

The Benefits of Social Media

Social media enables us to stay connected, whether it be with friends, family, and even strangers. Every platform has its unique benefits. Facebook, for example, is ideal for connecting with friends and family. You can see updates on their life, share updates of your own, and interact with old friends who you otherwise might not speak to frequently.

Instagram and Twitter are also great platforms for interacting with friends and family or people who share similar interests as you. These platforms also foster creativity, allowing users to express themselves through writing, photography, or videos. Ultimately, social media helps foster communication, connection, and togetherness — all things that are especially beneficial now that many of us are primarily staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Downsides to Social Media

While social media has plenty of benefits, there are also downsides. A big issue with social media is privacy. On many platforms, anyone can see your content. There are ways to enhance your privacy settings, but people sometimes create fake accounts or find ways around it.

Cyber-bullying is also an on-going issue. People, young and old, feel emboldened behind a computer screen as if it gives them anonymity. Because of this, people feel much more comfortable bullying online than they might in-person.

Finally, social media can impact our mental health negatively. People tend to post the most exciting aspects of their lives, but when you’re looking at it on a screen, it can make you feel inferior about your own life. You may also feel self-conscious about your body, career, or lifestyle because of the comparisons you make on social media. It’s easy to get engrossed in social media and not know how to balance what is truth and what isn’t. Context and perspective can be missing.

Finding a Balance

Considering the pros and cons of social media you may be curious, but hesitant, about engaging in the myriad of social media apps available to us now. Fortunately, even given all the downsides of social media, there are still ways you can enjoy these platforms in a healthy, balanced way.

Limit the Time You Spend Scrolling

It’s easy to log onto Facebook and only intend to be on for a few minutes. Before you know it, you’ve fallen down a rabbit hole of scrolling and an entire hour of your life has passed. Set sensible time frames and consciously limit your scrolling time. Many smartphones will even track your screen time for you! Thereby, you can avoid spending too much time on social media. and leave time for actual “facetime”.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

It’s easy to compare yourself to someone else, especially when someone has a seemingly perfect life on social media.  But remember, social media is often a sideshow of highlights, not a documentary of real-life struggles. When you find yourself falling into this trap, stop yourself from making comparisons. It’s not productive and the playing field is rarely level.  You can’t allow brief snapshots into someone else’s life make you feel bad about yours.

Don’t Be Afraid to Log Off

Social media can quickly turn from fun to overwhelming. When you reach the point where social media is making you feel bad, log off. Don’t keep scrolling, commenting, or engaging. Log off and take a deep breath. You don’t owe an online presence to anyone. If you want to log off indefinitely or even delete your accounts, feel free to do that.

As you try to strike a healthy balance with social media, remember that you are supposed to have fun with these platforms! If you’re having fun, enjoy yourself. Just stay aware of online predators, bullies, and people who frequently get under your skin. Take breaks from the screen when the digital world gets a little too overwhelming and give yourself permission to live life on your own terms, without tweets, likes, or selfies. The choice is yours!

Contact the Relationship Counseling Center of Austin for help in a healthy balance with social media platforms in your life. Give our main office a call at (512) 270-4883, or request an appointment online through the RCC Austin Scheduling page.

 To learn more, click here: Individual Counseling.
