Good communication is the foundation of healthy and happy relationships. At times, though, some things get lost in translation. To improve your communication, recognize that each of us has a dominant love language. Becoming fluent in your partner’s love language is the ideal path toward understanding, growth, and evolution.
Dealing with Divorce: 5 Benefits of Having a Counselor by Your Side
Constructive Solutions: Develop These 6 Powerful Relationship Skills
12 Enjoyable, Non-Sexual Ways to Boost Intimacy!
What Is Emotionally Focused Therapy and How Can It Help Your Relationship?
Relationships often need support to remain strong. That’s where Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) comes in.
When you are in a close relationship, you want to maintain your emotional connection while successfully managing conflict.
What is required to do these things? A deep attachment to your partner or loved one.
How Happy Couples Handle Disagreements: Tips for Conflict Management
Have you ever heard of a couple who claimed to never fight with each other? As if learning to handle disagreements was a step they were fortunate enough to skip?
You might wonder how a “no fighting” relationship is even possible. The truth is, it’s not!
Communication in Relationships: Stop Struggling to Talk to Your Partner!
Have you noticed lately that you are struggling to communicate with your partner? If you are finding it harder to talk about important problems or even the everyday struggles, you are not alone.
Good communication is the foundation of every relationship, yet, we sometimes struggle to have even basic conversations.
Neediness vs. Valid Relationship Needs: How to Navigate Both
Few of us want to be labeled the “needy” one in a relationship. We like to seem independent and in control, rather than insecure or clingy. Neediness in our romantic relationships hints at an insatiable desire to be affirmed, validated, sought out, and attended to. We tend to think of a needy partner as someone who strains and emotionally exhausts their partner. Not the most attractive qualities.
Overcome Sexual Anxiety! Tips to Reclaim Fully Functional Intimacy
Do anxious thoughts, self-sabotaging behavior, and a troubling disconnect with your partner seem to accompany attempts to get close physically? You may be experiencing sexual anxiety.
Doubt, insecurity, and worry are not the kinds of feelings that you want to characterize your sex life. Yet, if you’re experiencing them on a regular basis during intimacy, the joy of sex may now be seriously hindered.