
How to Prioritize Your Significant Other When You Have Young Children

By Sylvia Beligotti, MA

No doubt, your babies and young children are a joy to you. Still, the challenges of parenting can test the connection between the closest couples. What you may not know is that relationship experts have discovered that relationship-focused couples (as opposed to child-focused couples) experience the most gratifying unions.  Moreover, the children of these strong partnerships feel secure, less affected by parental conflict, and more resilient due to their parent’s influence.

Is Your Relationship Over? – What To Do When One Partner Is Ready to Walk Away

By Daniel Hope, MA

There is no shortage of posts and articles about relationships. Many of them talk about “fixing” and “repairing” and “saving.” This is a good thing...but it’s not the only thing.

We live in a society that features a divorce rate that’s hovered around 50 percent for decades. And that’s only for first marriages. Simply put, most relationships end. Some of them could’ve been fixed, repaired, or saved. Other unions eventually run their course.

What’s Not Working When Marriages Fail? 5 Key Factors

By Jack Partain, MEd

No one enters a marriage anticipating its demise. Unfortunately, many marriages do fall apart over time, ultimately ending in divorce.

How can two committed people fall out of love? What changes over the years to make a marriage fail? While every couple is unique, there are common reasons why marriages fall apart.

New to Couples Counseling? What You Can Expect in Your First Few Sessions!

By Kassie Soni, MA

When you are dating someone, everything seems happy at first. You are just discovering your feelings of love for each other with a series of romantic dates. While dating in the early days is typically light and fun, a long-term relationship is a different ballgame. It requires living with someone you are entirely committed to. Sometimes, you discover new things about your partner that you did not know when you first started dating.

Your Parenting Styles Are Totally Different: 6 Tips to Find Common Ground

By Daniel Hope, MA

A common area of conflict for many couples centers around parenting styles. It can be a complicated situation to navigate and communicate about. Finding common ground with your partner is important for your relationship and for your children. Parenting is hard enough even when you have similar beliefs and backgrounds. It can be even harder when your values, beliefs, and backgrounds differ. 

So, what do you do? 

How to Comfort and Reassure Your Partner When They are Stressed or Anxious

By Mark Killian, MA

It is never easy to see your partner struggling with stress or anxiety. After all, stress can be contagious. Your partner’s worries end up becoming your worries. However, avoiding or ignoring your partner’s worries won’t make them go away or magically enhance your relationship. 

Newly Wed & Financially Strapped? Tips To Stay Close & Communicative

By Charla Lineman, MEd

Being newlywed can be the most exciting time in your life. Yet, for many, the financial struggles can start to be overwhelming. Are you dealing with the aftermath of spending a lot of money on a wedding? Or is the responsibility of creating your home together a persistent drain on your wallet?