Any marriage will go through trying times. Over the years, you and your partner will experience many ups and downs. While you want to focus on the positives in your marriage, sometimes the negatives can become overwhelming.
RCC Austin Recommended Read: Breath
How to Prioritize Your Significant Other When You Have Young Children
No doubt, your babies and young children are a joy to you. Still, the challenges of parenting can test the connection between the closest couples. What you may not know is that relationship experts have discovered that relationship-focused couples (as opposed to child-focused couples) experience the most gratifying unions. Moreover, the children of these strong partnerships feel secure, less affected by parental conflict, and more resilient due to their parent’s influence.
RCC Austin Recommended Read: Why We Remember
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6 Tips for Setting Healthy Boundaries with Your In-Laws
Do you feel like your in-laws play too big a role in your marriage? Does it feel like they are putting their nose in where it does not belong? Marriage should be between two people without feeling like your in-laws are interfering in your communication, connection, or plans for the future.
RCC Austin Recommended Read: The Dance of Anger
Trauma Explained: Definition, Types, and Symptoms
We have all heard about post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is a type of response to trauma. Many people associate PTSD with those who served in the military and were in combat settings. However, any person, regardless of age, gender, or background, can experience trauma and the symptoms associated with it.
To better explain trauma, let’s go over the definition, types, and symptoms associated with the disorder.
Are You A High-Conflict Couple? 5 Clear Signs
When we think of relationships, we tend to picture a couple who gets along well, listens to each other, and has a mutual feeling of respect. While these elements often exist in relationships, this mindset tends to idealize and gloss over issues or tensions that many couples have, too.
How Creating an Exercise Routine Will Benefit Your Mental Health
With the wonderful spring weather, many are feeling inspired to start or improve their fitness routine. There are many reasons you may want to start exercising, and nearly all of them are beneficial.
Perhaps you have a fitness goal in mind that you want to fulfill. Or maybe you want to find an exercise routine to improve your physical health. Have you ever considered, however, that finding an exercise routine may improve your mental health?
Now More Than Ever… Move Your Body to Protect Your Mental Health
Many things may affect our mental health: stress, work, family or relationship issues, and a myriad of life transitions. Sometimes, however, mental health issues like depression or anxiety can manifest for seemingly no reason at all.