Family Counseling — Blog BACKEND — Relationship Counseling Center of Austin - Austin, TX

Family Counseling

6 Tips for Setting Healthy Boundaries with Your In-Laws

By Sylvia Beligotti, MA

Do you feel like your in-laws play too big a role in your marriage? Does it feel like they are putting their nose in where it does not belong? Marriage should be between two people without feeling like your in-laws are interfering in your communication, connection, or plans for the future.

5 Important Ways You Can Find Connection with Your Teen

As a parent, you want to find ways to connect with your children. A natural connection grows as you accompany your child through the stages of childhood and toward adolescence. However, you may eventually reach a point where many parents struggle to connect with their child: the teenage years!

How to Survive the Holidays and Family Gatherings

The holidays are here and we may need some strategies to help us through at times.

Why? Because right on the heels of the warm, cozy seasonal feelings come performance anxiety, overblown expectations, and… people.

The next six weeks will likely be packed full of interacting, engaging, giving, partying, visiting, and hosting friends and family.

How to Cope with Family Estrangement

Some of us enjoyed highly functional family lives. Others of us have to face hard facts about our family’s dysfunction. Stepping firmly away from key members or an entire group of family members is sometimes the best way to protect yourself from hurtful or damaging connections. In fact, for some of us, family estrangement is the best way to limit the interactions that cause pain and promote chaos in our lives.

Reducing Family Arguments, Conflict, and Debate: 5 Tips to Keep Friction to a Minimum

By Sylvia Beligotti, MA

A family is a complicated thing. Gathered around a holiday meal or celebrating a mutual milestone, your family may experience a host of highs and lows as you navigate a myriad of emotions and perspectives about each other’s respective lives.

Family members are usually the people who love us, support us, and encourage us. However, they can also be the people with whom we fight the most.