In our society, sex is everywhere, yet it remains a somewhat taboo topic. We’re used to seeing sex on TV, in movies, or in advertisements, yet we can blush at the thought of discussing it with a close friend or partner. If you’re more reserved when it comes to sexuality, you might be labeled as a “prude” and told to loosen up; but if you’re open about sexuality, you’re criticized and told to be more modest.
New to Couples Counseling? What You Can Expect in Your First Few Sessions!
When you are dating someone, everything seems happy at first. You are just discovering your feelings of love for each other with a series of romantic dates. While dating in the early days is typically light and fun, a long-term relationship is a different ballgame. It requires living with someone you are entirely committed to. Sometimes, you discover new things about your partner that you did not know when you first started dating.
Your Parenting Styles Are Totally Different: 6 Tips to Find Common Ground
A common area of conflict for many couples centers around parenting styles. It can be a complicated situation to navigate and communicate about. Finding common ground with your partner is important for your relationship and for your children. Parenting is hard enough even when you have similar beliefs and backgrounds. It can be even harder when your values, beliefs, and backgrounds differ.
So, what do you do?
A Good Connection: What Does it Feel Like With a New or Potential Partner?
When you enter into a relationship with someone new, the first thing people tend to look for is chemistry. Emotional chemistry is a natural flow between two people that never feels forced. Normally, for a short-term relationship, the physical pull is important from the start. As for wanting a long-term relationship, it takes more than physicality to make it last.
6 Tips for Setting Healthy Boundaries with Your In-Laws
Do you feel like your in-laws play too big a role in your marriage? Does it feel like they are putting their nose in where it does not belong? Marriage should be between two people without feeling like your in-laws are interfering in your communication, connection, or plans for the future.
How to Regain Trust and Feel Safe with your Partner After an Affair
One of the worst things has happened in your marriage: your partner cheated on you.
It is common for many people to want to leave their partners after discovering an affair. On the other hand, you are not wrong if you decide to give your partner another chance. According to Divorce Magazine, 60-75% of couples actually stay together after an affair. So, once you acknowledge the tragedy of infidelity and if your partner owns up to their choices and mistakes, there is still a chance you could have a strong and fulfilling marriage.
How to Comfort and Reassure Your Partner When They are Stressed or Anxious
It is never easy to see your partner struggling with stress or anxiety. After all, stress can be contagious. Your partner’s worries end up becoming your worries. However, avoiding or ignoring your partner’s worries won’t make them go away or magically enhance your relationship.
Newly Wed & Financially Strapped? Tips To Stay Close & Communicative
Being newlywed can be the most exciting time in your life. Yet, for many, the financial struggles can start to be overwhelming. Are you dealing with the aftermath of spending a lot of money on a wedding? Or is the responsibility of creating your home together a persistent drain on your wallet?