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Sylvia Beligotti

Life Transitions: 7 Ways to Navigate Them with Grace and Creativity

By Sylvia Beligotti, MA

Life transitions can be daunting, no matter what point of life you’re in.

Whether you’re preparing for a big move, going off to college, getting married, changing jobs, or becoming an empty nester—these transitions are certainly a big life adjustment. However, it is possible to approach them, along with the accompanying emotions, with grace and creativity.

Lonely? Tired of Trying to Find Love? – Individual Relationship Counseling Can Help

By Sylvia Beligotti, MA

If you’re like many people, you may have assumed that relationship counseling is reserved only for those already in a relationship. Although relationship counseling is typically focused on couples, it is beneficial for single people, as well!

You have a unique history of romantic relationships; perhaps you have a list of simmered out flames, ghosting stories, or even a romantic void.

Pillow Talk: After Sex Conversations to Have to Feel Bonded

By Sylvia Beligotti, MA

Talking after sex matters. Science and societal wisdom agree that the post-sex period of heightened emotion and willing vulnerability is a precious time that builds intimacy and deepens your ability to connect well … in and out of bed.

How can you capitalize on the psychological and physiological need for attachment? What exactly do you talk about to continue to feel bonded?

Understanding the Importance of your Family of Origin

By Sylvia Beligotti, MA

Your beginnings matter.

The who and how of your initial life experiences made lasting impressions that ripple through your life today. For better or worse, your family of origin is the place to start for key information about who you are and how you relate to others.

For all of us, the family dynamics in our original family system impact our values, core beliefs, and our self-perceptions.

Reducing Family Arguments, Conflict, and Debate: 5 Tips to Keep Friction to a Minimum

By Sylvia Beligotti, MA

A family is a complicated thing. Gathered around a holiday meal or celebrating a mutual milestone, your family may experience a host of highs and lows as you navigate a myriad of emotions and perspectives about each other’s respective lives.

Family members are usually the people who love us, support us, and encourage us. However, they can also be the people with whom we fight the most.

Relationship Recess: Why Playing Together Promotes Staying Together

By Sylvia Beligotti, MA

For most kids, playing together at recess is the best part of the school day.

They can let down their guard, give their brain a break, and allow their muscles to work out pent-up tension.

As an adult, you don’t have recess like you did when you were a kid. But you can still steal away from life to enjoy a little playtime. Especially with your partner.

In fact, making “recess” a part of your relationship routine can actually strengthen your bond.

Avoid Angry, Relationship-Ending Habits: Resolve Conflict This Way

By Sylvia Beligotti, MA

We so often wrongly assume that conflict must mean that something in our relationship is going wrong, but that’s actually not the case at all. Conflict is a natural and yes, even healthy, part of every relationship.

It is not the avoidance of conflict that makes for a good relationship, but how you handle that conflict. Use these tips to resolve conflict appropriately while avoiding angry, relationship-ending habits.

6 Reasons Speaking Your Partner's Love Language Really Matters

By Sylvia Beligotti, MA

Quality time, gift giving and receiving, words of affirmation, physical touch, and acts of service…you probably know something about the five love languages described in Gary Chapman’s bestselling book, The Five Love Languages. But, are you aware of which ones relate best to you and your partner?

Chances are, the two of you probably speak different love languages, and that’s OKAY! Acknowledging this difference and learning to speak your spouse’s love language can be a part of the success of your relationship.

Quality time, gift giving and receiving, words of affirmation, physical touch, and acts of service…you probably know something about the five love languages described in Gary Chapman’s bestselling book, The Five Love Languages. But, are you aware of which ones relate best to you and your partner? Chances are, the two of you probably speak different love languages, and that’s OKAY! Acknowledging this difference and learning to speak your spouse’s love language can be a part of the success of your relationship.

These six reasons show how speaking your partner’s love language really does matter.