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Trouble Getting Along? – 3 Tips for Dealing with Family Relationship Challenges

By Daniel Hope, MA

Trouble getting along with a family member or loved one can make gatherings of any kind difficult for you and those around you.

Even with close family relationships, it’s not uncommon to have a tough time communicating. Remember, just because you’re family doesn’t mean you’ll always have the same ideas, opinions, or beliefs. 

4 Ways Trauma Affects Your Relationships

By Charla Lineman, MEd

Trauma recovery is a challenging life endeavor. These distressing events leave lasting impacts on people, causing long-term issues like anxiety, depression, nightmares, flashbacks, and more.

These uncontrollable trauma factors sneak into everyday lives and relationships. As a result, it can affect your relationships and even your attachment style. 

Sleep Anxiety: What to Do When You Can’t Go to Sleep or Stay Asleep

By Jessica Nesis, MEd

Is sleep anxiety driving you to the edge of exhaustion? 

Sleep should be a natural thing. It should be the one way to safely escape the cares and worries of the day. But what if sleep is the thing that causes you the most distress?

How to Prioritize Your Significant Other When You Have Young Children

By Sylvia Beligotti, MA

No doubt, your babies and young children are a joy to you. Still, the challenges of parenting can test the connection between the closest couples. What you may not know is that relationship experts have discovered that relationship-focused couples (as opposed to child-focused couples) experience the most gratifying unions.  Moreover, the children of these strong partnerships feel secure, less affected by parental conflict, and more resilient due to their parent’s influence.

When Is It Time for Couples Counseling?

By Kassie Soni, MA

Whether you’ve been together for a year or for decades, at some point you may find yourself wondering if you need to seek couples counseling. Even though the term may sometimes carry a negative connotation, it doesn’t have to mean that your relationship is doomed to fail. In fact, many couples report that counseling has made their relationships much stronger.